[. . . ] The appliance is not intended to be This appliance is not intended for RSHUDWHG XVLQJ DQ H[WHUQDO WLPHU Do not use your appliance if it H[SHULHQFH DQG NQRZOHGJH XQOHVV they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the Ensure that they do not play with LQWKHJXDUDQWHHERRNOHW The appliance should not be Keep your appliance out of reach of LPPHUVHGLQZDWHU1HYHUSXWWKH This appliance is designed for Take care with the knives of the Indoor household use only and Ultrablade knife (F1) and the DWDQDOWLWXGHEHORZP7KH kneading & grinding blade (F4) EN PDQXIDFWXUHUVKDOOQRWDFFHSWDQ\ when you are cleaning them and Liability and reserves the right to when you empty the bowl, they Cancel the guarantee in the event are extremely sharp. Food processor because it could be Intended to be used in the following Place the Ultrablade blade (F1) in the Applications and the guarantee will bowl after use. WARNING: Be careful to avoid any V WDNLWFKHQDUHDVLQVKRSVRFHV spillage on the connector during Outer skin (whole sausages, tongue, Meat may produce spatters as they Your appliance gives knife or a folk prior to cooking. [. . . ] This safety device stops the lid RSHQLQJ ZKLOH D UHFLSH LV EHLQJ PDGH (see Fig. ( QVXUHWKDWDOOSDFNDJLQJKDVEHHQUHPRYHG EHIRUH XVH SDUWLFXODUO\ WKH SURWHFWLRQ located between the bowl (D) DQGWKHPRWRU unit (A). Fit the seal (E4) on the seal holder (E3) (See EN Position the seal (D4) on the spindle (D3). Position the chosen accessory in the bowl: - the accessories (F1, F2, F3, or F4)WRQ the spindle (See Fig. Align the triangle on the lid with the triangle on the bowl handle (See Fig. The low steam setting allows a maximum amount of condensation to be released and therefore it is recommended to prepare dishes and sauces for a better consistency (risotto, egg custard desserts, sauces, etc. The high steam setting allows a maximum amount of heat and steam to build up in the bowl for all types of steam cooking (soups, etc. The appliance only starts up if the bowl and WKH OLG DUH FRUUHFWO\ SRVLWLRQHG DQG ORFNHG RQWKHPRWRUXQLW Soups (P1IRUVPRRWKVRXSP2 for soup with a coarser texture. 6ORZFRRNVWHZV (P1IRUYHJHWDEOHVWHZVP2 for PHDWDQGSRXOWU\VWHZ P3 for risotto) Heating indicator light: it OLJKWV XS ZKHQ FRRNLQJ VWDUWV and switches off when the WHPSHUDWXUH LQVLGH WKH ERZO IDOOVWREHORZ& 6HOHFWLQJRSHUDWLQJWLPH )URPVHFWRKRXUV Selecting the turbo functions FRQWLQXRXV PD[LPXP VSHHG and pulse LQWHUPLWWHQW operation) without using other settings. -"Validation" of the choice of your DXWRPDWLF SURJUDP RU your settings chosen in WKH FRQWH[W RI PDQXDO XVH VSHHG FRRNLQJ WHPSHUDWXUHWLPH - "Pause" GXULQJ XVH once the appliance has been started up. - "Reset" of the settings selected on the appliance by pressing for 2 seconds. 3 UHVV WKH SURJUDP RI \RXU choice (B1) D WULDQJOH appears on the screen (C4) , Q WKH FDVH RI WKH VRXSV VORZFRRNVWHDPDQGSDVWU\ SURJUDPV VXFFHVVLYHO\ SUHVVLQJ WKH SURJUDP EXWWRQ WDNHV \RX WR WKH GLHUHQWVXESURJUDPV 7 KH SUHSURJUDPPHG VHWWLQJV FDQ EH PRGLHG IRU WKH WLPH RI D UHFLSH (depending on the chosen UHFLSH LQJUHGLHQWV DQG quantities prepared). Press the speed selector (B2) or WKH FRRNLQJ WHPSHUDWXUH selector (B3) RU WKH WLPH selector (B4) WKH VHWWLQJ chosen will flash on the screen (C1-C2-C3). 4- When you have finished PRGLI\LQJDOO\RXUVHWWLQJV SUHVVWKH´VWDUWµEXWWRQ(B7) WRVWDUWWKHSURJUDP:KHQ your appliance is using FRRNLQJ PRGH WKH UHG indicator light (B3) lights up WRLQIRUP\RXWKDWFRRNLQJ has started. $WWKHHQGRIWKHVDXFHSURJUDPVVORZFRRN 3DQG3DQGWKHGHVVHUWSURJUDPGXULQJWKH NHHSLQJZDUPIXQFWLRQWKHPRWRUZLOOFRQWLnue to operate so that the ingredients do not VWLFNWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHERZO Soup P2 Slow cook P1Slow cook P2Slow cook P3 HHSZDUP function (at the end of the HHSZDUP function (at the end of the Speed IRU PLQV then Speed 6 IRUPLQ Speed 3 for 40s then Speed 9 IRUPLQ <RXFDQDOVRXVHWKHPDQXDOPRGHE\VHOHFWLQJDWHPSHUDWXUHRI&DQGWKHFRRNLQJWLPH according to the quantity and type of ingredients: see table below. Steam cooking time (for fresh ingredients) In this case, you should reduce the quantity accordingly. For the setting you want 2- Then adjust the setting(s) XVLQJ WKH VHOHFWRU (B6) )RU VDIHW\ UHDVRQV it is not possible to set D WHPSHUDWXUH ZLWKRXW VHWWLQJDFRRNLQJWLPH When your appliance LV XVLQJ FRRNLQJ PRGH the red indicator light (B3) OLJKWVXSWRLQIRUP\RXWKDW FRRNLQJKDVVWDUWHG:KHQ WKH SURJUDP KDV VWDUWHG you have the possibility of stopping the appliance at DQ\ WLPH E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH "stop" button. 7KHSURJUDPLVWKHQLQSDXVHPRGHDQG\RX have the possibility of restarting by pressing "start" DJDLQ , I \RX KDYH FKRVHQ WKH ZURQJ SURJUDPDQGLI\RXZDQWWRFDQFHOLWSUHVVDQG hold the "stop" button for 2 seconds. [. . . ] Before starting your The appliance does not ZRUN The bowl or the lid are not correcWO\SRVLWLRQHGRUORFNHG The seal holder and that the seal holder is fully The appliance is not positioned on 7KHVSLQGOHRI\RXUDSSOLDQFHPD\ has no consequences on the life of your Create a noise during operation at DSSOLDQFH, WZLOOIDGHRUGLVDSSHDUDIWHUD Reduced speed or with the use of few uses and cleaning operations of the The use of a wrong accessory )RUWKLVUHIHUWRWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV in the recipes and the operating insWUXFWLRQVSURYLGHGLQWKLVPDQXDO The lid is not correctly positioned or ORFNHG The lid seal is not present. Position the seal on the seal holder and FOLSWKHDVVHPEO\WRWKHOLG The bowl seal (D4) is not correctly po- The blades do not ro- Pieces of food that are too big or too 2QXVLQJWKHDSSOLDQFHIRUWKHUVWWLPH RULQWKHHYHQWRIRYHUORDGRIWKHPRWRU caused by too large a quantity of ingredients or by pieces that are too hard or too big. 7KHDSSOLDQFHKDVGHWHFWHGWRRPDQ\ vibrations and has changed to the VDIHW\PRGH 0RWRURYHUORDGFDXVHGE\WRRPDQ\ ingredients or pieces which are too hard RUWRRODUJHRURYHUXVHZLWKRXWVXFLHQWFRROLQJGRZQWLPH Is your appliance still not working? [. . . ]